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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Thankya Wikers!
Been at an exhibition all day today and I do believe networking can be fun sometimes, but other times you lips get dry, your throat stings and you are nodding at someone and you don't know what the hell they are talking about... luckily that didn't happen too much. A load of school kids were running around collecting anything free they could get there hands onto (why would someone need 10 lead pencils?? Lead pencils are so 90's). I had to near enough smack a couple little bitch boys who decided it be funny to look at the Champagne we had for a prize draw while they were putting it into a exhibition bag filled with other crap they will probably throw out when they get home. You know what their excuse was.. "Ohh I thought it was free!" hmmm "Well firstly you little fucktard if you see that big poster next to it and on the table saying.. WIN A BOTTLE OF CHAMPAGNE WITH OUR PRIZEDRAW. You would certainly estimate that it wasn't for free and secondly you little snot-drivelling anal retentive dick who looks to have just come right off the wall at Ealing... YOUR 14!!! Now scamper!"
Apart from that I drank a tanker load of free coffee and handed out my number to pretty women (work number unfortunately.. for business reasons financial.. and because I'm starting to turn into a monk). Long talk with Sam this afternoon.. good to catch up with the Foo!! Women beware the Foo is single again.. and in his words 'Luvin` eeet!' Anyhooo danke Wikers for the long cable, but I think it is slowing down my speed online [shrug]! By the way is it me or does Wayne Rooney looks like he needs the special bus??? ![]() And go and check out Oribtal's : Blue Album at http://www.loopz.co.uk/discog/album/blue.html which I've picked up today. It was released back in late June and was their last album (until they reform when they are 60 and still probably popping hefty size portion of pills). Now to leave you with some of my ghey poofeetree, which I may tend to do from time to time, just to enforce that I have some feminity or maybe I'm just bordering on closetness?!? O_o Making Plans ----------- My pictures with you, On your tall mantelpiece. But never again, In your pocket for keeps. ------------- To make my own, You have to be, Someone forgotten, But left by our sea. ------------- The tortures we hold. That pain exists. Our darkest days, We'll hold our own lists ------------- So here I am. Alone once more. My simple excuse of you, No more courage to call. ------------- I pack my bags. My heart just can't stay. No matter how far I go, I'll always be in your way. gnight.. ps. It has no meaning.
LS at 9/30/2004 04:33:00 AM 0 comments
![]() ![]() Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Whatcha fink?
I've decided to go a little trendy with the website I suppose. Spent a few hours playing with some features, unfortunately with the new blog I found I cannot do the following until someone shows me how or I keep playing with it until I go blind... mother was always right!
I have also learnt an important lesson tonight.. SWITCH ON YOUR DAMN FIREWALL! Spent the last 2-3 hours getting rid of trojan dialers and adware's and still think I have some of the shit inbedded into the fabric of this pc at the moment. Was driving me spare.. I did happen to get a wonderful collection of porn and lots of ladies tennis piccies! I think the square hacking into my computer had a fetish for underwears... What is it with people who have fetish with panty shots anyhow??? Ok I know you cannot comment but over to the left of your screen you will see a temporary replacement to comments called the Chatterbox (this was the beginning of my adware torture campaign so I fucking hope to hell it suits your needs!!!!). There is also a link to my email if you really are that desperate. Well since it's 1:30am and I have to go to some big ass exhibition tomorrow to do some networking I will bid you all farewell. Going to leave you with this acorn I wrote a few weeks ago. G`night! ps. please don't go reading into it FFS! 12:27am 14th September 2004 I do fear my inevitable these days, does that lead to the hatred, which will come following me down the path I am taking? Why am I here in this lonely place, trying to figure out my existence to become normal, yet who to say that normal is someone else's measurement? We all are measured by media, by influence, by money, by power and by a corrupted intolerance to each other. Why do people need to hate? Why do people need to make jokes about someone's skin, religion, disease or football team? Do we all need to dig ourselves a hole to climb into it at the end and someone else to cover it up? When I was young and even sometimes now I think. When I die... Who will come to my funeral, what will they say? Will they say the truth or will they say what they think they know me as? I'm good friends with many people, but I do not insist to think I know them, do never jump to the conclusion that there life is as important as mine. Am I selfish or am I realistic? I sometimes wish I looked at life as an optimist, always considering the glass half full. But do you know what, the glass is just holding that water to be either - drunk or re-filled and when it comes down to it, it's going to be your choice on what you want to do. Fear causes hatred Hatred causes fear Two worlds between No world apart Not able to exist without Fueled by each other Loved by nobody Embraced by all Tomorrow you need to do something to better yourself, because tomorrow just might be another day which you either fill that glass, or someone else will drink it. This is what I write about, and this is what I shall need to continue to write about. Opinion is mine and not yours. 12:47am LS at 9/29/2004 10:33:00 AM 0 comments
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I'm in flames
Lindsey put me into perspective last night, we did a little catch-up. We tend to do it every week or two, sit down late at night and just get everything off our chest about certain things which might be causing oneself a little angry at the world or someone else. We both listen to each other and it's really good to have such a great person like Lindsey to just talk without some 'insecurity' you might have to other friends....
Who hates those Monday blues you get. You may seem ok with the outside world, but you might get home to a lonely house or not enough food in the fridge and you realise you have another 4 days left until the end of the week. I suppose last night was a little Monday blues for myself and I seem to have rambled to Lindsey about something insignificant, but I thought of the answer as I trailed off when I was talking to her. Insecurity.. there's that word again. Maybe it was the fact that twice in two days someone said I have been insecure... about what? I am able to talk to people about my insecurities, maybe a lot more then most people can. It's amazing when you bottle your feelings and people say to you "Luke why don't you express your feelings more?" and when you do it tends to turn out I sound more insecure about things, double edged sword? I am scared of things like most people; the dark, being 30, being single, falling in love, falling out of love, having enough money at the end of the week, going on a first date, sharks, etc. etc. Does it make me different if I express it to you more then the next male though? Anyhow back to work.. Is wisdom made through someone else's experience? LS at 9/28/2004 10:20:00 PM 2 comments
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Well I finally got down to the shop and buy myself an ADSL cable for the modem. Thing is I bought the wrong one. I am online with no problems but nobody can use the phone, on top of 10 metres not being long enough.
So lil Luke has to go get some 20 metre cable, or an adaptor or something. Totally not very happy with myself at the moment. Had a good weekend. Ended up at a party Wilco invited Sam, Nick and myself along to. I ended up pretty much sober and decided to voluntarily detox last weekend. Little did I know it helped, as I got to talking to a lot of people... however couldn't get away from one mad 35 year old woman with issues and baggage! We had an interested conversation for about a hour regarding things to do over here in London, bit of a laugh at this and that. Then she brings out the relationship topic of choice! I seriously don't wish to talk about relationships to some complete stranger, but here I am being sucked into her demonic vortex with 'love and relationships' - How to kill a conversation?? Just start talking about relationships! Needless to say when Dave come over to say hello to us two, I said goodbye and bailed to get oxygen because she was starting to suck precious life from me also. Please, if I know you more than 300 hours of our friendship that's great I will talk to you about some relationships aspects (if you were Sam you would hear most of it). But please don't come up to me and ask me about relationships and my theories. It underestimates any fun within a conversation from that point on. Who really wants to go on about their baggage issues to a complete stranger, is it some Freud thing to do??? Don't do it to me.. I'm the least guru to relationship advice that I know of. Only good thing I am with relationships is making them end faster then trying to start them. hehe :D Don't know where the last couple of paragraphs came from just then, but it was something I needed to express I suppose. Never store heavy luggage in the overhead compartment! LS at 9/28/2004 06:07:00 AM 6 comments
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
Childhood memories
I was looking on Mieke's sit this afternoon, killing some time because I'm meeting Alan for a drink or two nearby work and found this. She made some improvements to it and it looks like other people have made improvements to it or changed the masculines to feminines. Glad it still is going around, and people still enjoy it. Well I updated it again and re-releasing it.
I'm talking about hide and seek in the park. The corner milk bar where you had to go and buy Dad’s cigarettes, billy carts made out of wood and gave you the old ‘death wobbles’, cricket in front of the garbage bin and inviting everyone on your street to join in. Skipping, handball, handstands, bullrush, catch & kiss, footy on the best lawn in the street, slip 'n' slide, the trampoline with water on it and remembering putting a hole through it or falling off it, hula hoops and yo-yo’s, stepping in puddles, mud pies and building dams in the creek. The smell of the sun on fresh cut grass, and hot asphalt and popping the bubbles. Being kept awake by cicadas and finding their shells and pinning them to your shirt or someone else’s. 'Big bubbles no troubles' with Hubba Bubba bubble gum. Eating raw jelly, making homemade lemonade. Sucking on a Funny Face, Paddle Pop, red Icy Pole, choc-top, or a Bubble O Bill. Mr Whippy cone on a warm summer night after you've chased him round the block. 20 cents worth of mixed lollies lasted a week, and pretending to smoke "fags" (the lollies) was really cool! Being upset when you botched putting on the temporary tattoo from the bubblegum packet but still wearing it proudly. A dollars worth of hot chips from the corner take-away fed two people (AND the sauce was free!!) and making chip sanga’s! Growing up with cartoons: 'The Smurfs', 'Astro Boy', 'He-Man' and 'Sheira', , 'Banana Man', Superted, Duckula, 'Scooby Doo' and 'Heeeeeey heeeeey heeeeey its Faaaaat Albert'. Or staying up late and sneaking a look at the "AO" on the second telly. Watch 'Monkey Magic' while Sandy and Pigsy had a cult following. And who could ever forget Degrassi Jnr High and Snake!? When around the corner seemed a long way and going into town seemed like going somewhere, although when you had your bike you would go discover new streets. Where running away meant you did laps of the block. A million mozzie bites and bee stings. Sticky fingers, cops and robbers, cowboys and indians, riding bikes and catching tadpoles. Marco Polo in the 'ABOVE GROUND' pool or making a whirlpool, drawing all over the road and driveway with chalk. Climbing trees and building cubbies or fortresses out of every sheet your mum had in the linen cupboard. Trying to dig a hole to China in the back yard. Walking to school no matter what the weather. When writing to 'I hate ....?' or 'I love ....?' on your pencil case. Running till you were out of breath. The worst embarrassment was being picked last for a team. Water balloons were the ultimate weapon. Spokey-dokeys or cricket cards in the spokes transformed any bike into a motorcycle. Laughing so hard that your stomach hurt. Pitching the tent in the front/back yard. Jumping on the bed. Ghost stories with your best friend. Pillow fights, spinning round, getting dizzy and falling down was cause for the giggles. Remember when there were only two types of sneakers - girls and boys. Dunlop Volleys with the green 'n' gold or blue and the only time you wore them at school was for 'sports day', because your Dad may have made you wear leather shoes. You learnt to swim in the ocean, not a in pool. You knew everyone in your street - and so did your parents! It wasn't odd to have two or three "best friends". You didn't sleep a wink on Christmas Eve and pretended to sleep for the tooth fairy and loved eating Red or Green toffee apples and hope one may dislodge.When nobody owned a pure-bred dog, and yours would follow you to school, and even though you shouted at it to go home you loved it to death because it loved you because you played with it all the damn time, unlike now?!? When 50c was decent pocket money. When you'd reach into a muddy gutter for 10c or it was your luck week when you found $1 note on the path. When nearly everyone's Mum was there when the kids got home from school, and afternoon tea was vegemite sandwiches. It was magic your Uncle would "remove" his thumb, your Pop taught you how to play Patience or help him with the crossword, your Dad showed you how to play chess and let you win sometimes. When it was considered a great privilege to be taken out to dinner at the local Chinese restaurant with your family or having all you can eat at Pizza Hut. When any parent could discipline any kid, or feed or use him to carry groceries and nobody, not even the kid, thought a thing of it. When being sent to the principal's office was nothing compared to the fate that awaited a misbehaving student at home. Basically, we were in fear for our lives but it wasn't because of drive-by shootings, drugs, gangs etc. Our parents and grandparents were a much bigger threat! Some of us are still afraid of them!! Still have memories of lining up to the bathroom for the leather belt. Remember when decisions were made by going "eeny-meeny-miney-mo", dib dibs or scissors, paper rock. "Race issue" meant arguing about who ran the fastest. Money issues were handled by whoever was the banker in Monopoly. Terrorism was when the older kids were at the end of your street with his friends waiting to ambush you. The worst thing you could catch from the opposite sex was boy/girl germs, and the worst thing in your day was having to sit next to one. Where blue light discos were the equivalent to a rave, and asking a girl out meant writing a 'polite' note, getting them to tick 'yes' or 'no'. When there was always that one HOT guy/girl. Having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot. Your biggest danger at school was accidentally walking through the middle of a heated game of "brandings". Nobody was prettier than your Mum, and your Dad could fix anything and everything. Scrapes and bruises were kissed and made better. Taking drugs meant scoffing orange-flavoured chewable vitamin C or swallowing half a Panadol. Ice-cream was considered a basic food group with chocolate sauce! Going to the beach and catching a wave was a dream come true. If you actually lived there boogie-boarding in the white wash made you the next Kelly Slater. Abilities were discovered because of a 'double dare'. Older siblings were the worse tormentors, but also the fiercest protectors. --I will continue to add to this when I can --- and yes I am still very much hung over. I was helping the removalists about 1pm and had to guard the trigger alarm. I set it off and caused the whole building to go off. Red faced and trying not to laugh was the hardest! LS at 9/25/2004 02:52:00 AM 0 comments
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Friday, September 24, 2004
I think I died last night.. or my liver gave out about 12am... I don't remember getting home or anything after 12, because that is the fact that I don't think I went home at all. I'm at work.
People have bloodshot eyes, they look like death warmed up and I feel like someone has invaded my body with some sickening disease. Good party and all... photos to follow some point. I'm going to sit here and just fester in my own possible still intoxicated state and try and muster up some strength to work. 2 soldiers are down from the office today, and I think I should have been the third. how was everyone else's night? LS at 9/24/2004 08:02:00 PM 2 comments
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
Why is it that when people are tone-deaf and know they are, still continue to try and sing for people around them. Do they have any shame at all??? I have one in the office and it is driving me spare! She is too the point that when she starts I start sniggering or do the 'bfffft' that people do. The bffft is something that makes people stop laughing out loud when they realise they might be hurting someones feelings. I find quite a lot of what people say to me a humorous side and I think my sarcastic humor gets me into more trouble than favour sometimes... until they get used to it of course!
Booked tix for Groove Armada in December with the boys and it seems we have quite a crew together for a great night out. Also getting some tix for the Faithless show a week later which should also be incredible. Finally am getting out more to live events which I have been missing very much. You know them.. it has people.. lots of screaming girls and someone accidentally spills his beer all over your new shirt/trousers (I have learnt not to say 'pants' in England.. people give me strange looks when I say "I spilt something on my pants!" or "Thar be creases `n me Panteloons! Arrrr!"). Tonight is a birthday bash for the MD. She is upstairs organising the events room to some extent with her legion of event coordinators. About 200+ people are rocking along and I should be hob-nobbing with some really 'I have a large pole up my rectum and love it' type of people. It goes until about 2am and I feel that Friday work will take up most of everyones time of chatting about tonight and the 'dropping name' game will begin. I'm not used to meeting quasi-famous people and usually am myself. Met this big dude the other week and everyone called him Mr ***** and I just called him by his first name when I shook his hand and said 'So you're an ex-rugga player eh.. I couldn't play the sport, they would have snapped me like a twig.' Needless to say he chatted to me a little more than anyone else. Anyhow not much life thoughts at the moment to discuss with y'all and I'm sure y'all bored with my 'I did this and this' crud which every numpty writes about. 'Missing home.... someone post it too me in a small cardboard box with a ribbon... if no ribbon use rope and make sure its tied in some nifty boy scout knot!' LS at 9/23/2004 10:54:00 PM 0 comments
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Hiroo Onoda - A warrior or a total nutter?
I ripped this off an useless information site and thought you might like a read of something completely bizarre;
For thirty years, Onoda was stuck in that time warp known as 1944. The rest of the world continued to change around him, but Onoda stayed the same. When he reemerged into our modern world, he was not prepared for what he would see. Onoda, of course, never did travel into space. Instead he was lost in another form of time. How Onoda ended up in this situation can really be traced back to his youth. He was born in the town of Kainan, Japan in 1922 and when he turned seventeen, he went to work for a trading company in China. Onoda lived the life of any ordinary teenager. He worked all of the day and partied all of the night at the local dance halls. In May of 1942, Onoda was drafted into the Japanese military right just after the United States entered the war and fighting escalated to a global scale. Unlike most soldiers, he attended a school that trained men for guerilla warfare. At a time when becoming a prisoner of war was considered by the Japanese to be a crime punishable by death, Onoda was taught that this action was okay and to stay alive at all costs. On December 26, 1944, Apprentice Officer Hiroo Onoda was sent to the small tropical island of Lubang, which is approximately seventy-five miles southwest of Manila in the Philippines. His orders were straightforward. He was to do anything to hamper enemy attack on the island. This included destroying the Lubang airport and the pier at the harbor. He was sent in alone, ordered not to die by his own hand, and was told to take as many years as was needed to accomplish his mission. When Onoda landed on the island, he met up with a group of Japanese soldiers that had been sent there previously. The officers in this group outranked Private Onoda and prevented him from carrying out his assignment in a timely manner. This just made it all that much easier for the Americans to take control of the island when they landed on February 28th. Within a short period of time, all but four of the Japanese soldiers had either died or surrendered. Onoda, having just been promoted to Lieutenant, ordered the men to take to the hills. The war ended shortly thereafter, but the four soldiers would not know it for quite some time. Let’s face reality here. Four surviving soldiers cannot fight much of a war. Basically, they can only fight for their survival. Realizing that it would be unwise to stay in any one location for a long period of time, they developed a circuit, of sorts, in which they moved from point to point. A long stay in any particular place would be three to five days, the length of time was determined mainly by the supply of food. During the torrential rainy season, no one came into the mountains, and they were able to build a camp and sit still for a longer duration. Their main source of nourishment was bananas. Now, I don’t know about you, but one or two bananas are just fine, but having them as my dinner every day would not be something that I would look forward to. Of course, they had to sustain their health somehow. They did supplement their diet with other fruits and by hunting wild water buffaloes, wild boar, wild chickens, and iguanas. (Mmm, mmm, good…) They had a preference for beef, but they could not hunt too many of any animal because the sound of their gunshots would quickly indicate their position. And then there were three…. The first of the four to go was Private First Class Yuichi Akatsu. He got fed up with the whole thing and stormed off in September of 1949. The remaining men figured that there was no way that this weakling could survive on his own. Yet, unbeknownst to them, Akatsu managed to live six months on his own before surrendering to the Philippine Army. In 1950, the remaining three found a note left by Akatsu stating that he had been greeted by friendly troops. He even led a group of soldiers into the mountains in search of the remaining men. Onoda and his men quickly concluded that Akatsu was now working with the enemy and retreated to the other side of the mountain. In 1952, letters and photographs of family and friends were dropped all over the island from an airplane. The soldiers concluded that the enemy had finally outdone themselves with this clever trick. To the eye of those trained in guerilla warfare, this had to be a hoax. And another one gone… In June of 1953, Corporal Shimada, another member of their party was shot in the leg during a shootout with some fishermen. Onoda nursed him back to health, but on May 7, 1954, Shimada was killed instantly from a shot fired by another search party sent in to find the men. Ten days later, more leaflets were dropped. A loudspeaker blurted out “ Onoda, Kozuka, the war has ended.” Clearly this was another trick by the Americans. They were sure that the war was still on and they intended to get even with the enemy for Shimada’s death. Onoda and Kozuka were positive that the Japanese would be landing on the island any day and that control would be taken back from the Americans. One day, Onoda’s own brother stood by at the microphone and pleaded for them to give up. Onoda could not see the speaker’s face from his great distance and concluded that the Americans had gone to a really great length to trick him this time. They believed that the Americans had found a man that was built and sounded just like his brother, but was really an impostor! You must understand their whole rationale. First, they were trained to treat everything with suspect. Second, it was well understood that it could take one hundred years to win the war and that Japan would never surrender until every last Japanese citizen had been killed. In their minds, there were still Japanese citizens alive, so, clearly, the war must have been still going on. Whenever they needed crucial supplies, the two men would “requisition’ them from the islanders. You and I call it armed robbery, but since this was considered a time of war, these actions were considered acceptable. The islanders had several names for them, including “mountain bandits” and “mountain devils”. The islanders had good reason to fear them since many citizens of the island were wounded or killed in skirmishes with the two soldiers.. In late 1965, the Onoda and Kozuka requisitioned a transistor radio and listened to reports from Peking. Oddly, with their minds still trapped in 1945 war time, they did not believe anything that they heard on the radio regarding military or foreign relations. Yet, they followed the horse races and understood that Japan had risen to be a great industrial power. The last man standing… Each year, in an effort to continue on with their military assignment, Onoda and Kozuka would burn piles of rice that had been collected by the farmers. On October 19, 1972, they went about their usual business, but decided to burn one last small rice pile before they went on their way. This was a big mistake. This gave the police ample time to get there and they shot Kozuka twice. One of the bullets went through his heart and he was killed. Onoda took to the woods once again. He resolved that if he encountered the enemy, he would shoot to kill. The search parties, loudspeaker announcements, and the dropping of leaflets intensified. They left magazines and newspapers behind, many detailing the incredible funeral that was held for Kozuka back in Japan. Yet, to no one’s surprise, Onoda did not buy their pleas. For almost one more year, Onoda continued to live on his own. He was prepared to die on the island. Then, February 20, 1974, he encountered a young Japanese university dropout named Suzuki living alone in a tent. Suzuki had left Japan to travel the world and told his friends that he was “going to look for Lieutenant Onoda, a panda, and the Abominable Snowman, in that order. (He found Onoda, he could go to any big zoo to see the panda, but one can’t help but wonder if he ever found the Abominable Snowman.) Onoda approached cautiously and the two soon struck up a conversation that lasted many hours. The two became friends, but Onoda said that he was waiting for orders from one of his commanders. Suzuki left and promised that he would return. And he did. On March 9, 1974, Onoda went to an agreed upon place and found a note that had been left by Suzuki. Along with the note, Suzuki had enclosed two photos that they had taken together the first time that they met along with copies of two army orders. The next day, Onoda decided to take a chance and made a two-day journey to meet up with Suzuki. His long hike paid off handsomely. Suzuki had brought along Onoda’s one-time superior commander, Major Taniguchi, who delivered the oral orders for Onoda to surrender his sword. Hiroo Onoda’s thirty-year war was now over. He returned to Japan to receive a hero’s welcome. He was a media sensation and was hounded by the curious public everywhere he went. Yet, Onoda’s mind was still living in 1944 Japan, and he had a strong dislike for what he now saw. After publishing his memoirs, he took his newly found fortune and moved to Brazil to raise cattle. He then married a Japanese woman and moved back to Japan to run a nature camp for kids. (We can be quite sure that he had a lot of expertise about nature.) http://www.wanpela.com/holdouts/ http://www.giantrobot.com/issues/issue07/hs/hsmain.html It is greater than God, but worse than the devil, a destitute man has it, but a man who has everything wants it, and if you eat it you will die. LS at 9/23/2004 12:45:00 AM 1 comments
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
"I'm a percentage healer dammit!!!"
It's funny how life does treat you sometimes. Up in the air from a great weekend and on the rollercoaster from hell because you are back at work on Monday going through the daily rigmarole. I've decided I hate acronyms... these useless freaking letters are filling up my brain and I think are frying circuits where phone numbers should be of pretty ladies or something... here I am and I'm typing in half a number for a person and an acronym pops into my skull wanting me to type ADHOC, REC or SNAFU (personally I like the last one). Will the english language will conceive itself into acronyms due to SMS, people already shorten words when in conversation and Australian's are well known to adding O's to the end of peoples names, words and places, and if your first name doesn't work i.e. Lukeo... go to the last name.. my last name definately works - half the last name and add an O.
I've digressed anyhow on what I originally was talking about, and although I've been sipping Champange since 3pm this afternoon, because it seems that is the thing to do here, I've ran out of work to do and decided to leave a short-fix to the blog. I've had a fulfilling weekend, loaded with enough alochol to leave my kidneys realing with the pain and I think my skin is starting to turn yellow or something. Maybe I could pass myself off as a member of the Simpson's in a few more months. My house feels strangely and eerily empty as per usual!! Fortunately I have to still put up with 'Piss boy' and 'Nanna' for my own amusement and at present I think our conversation always turn to utter filth and total depravity... which does have it's funny side.... Foo arrived back in the country on Sunday and he gave me a ring about his shinanigans in Ireland with his brother. Sounds like he had a good time finding his pot of gold.... in a strip bar in Southern Ireland! Nothing too much of interest to write about at present, except the fact that London's weather is becoming even more painful each day and the women are starting to put there clothes back on like the wives of Michelen Man and I'm still waiting for AOL to put me back online at home - so alas it's 6pm now and time for home! Post dedicated to a good man & friend, Ritwili, who passed away over the weekend. God speed dorf! LS at 9/21/2004 02:43:00 AM 0 comments
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Friday, September 17, 2004
I'm still here
Just a quick update, as I sit here at work, surrounded by hormonal women talking about everything completely unrelated to work you could possibly think of. Good thing is I've been invited to Steven McManaman's book launch party in 2-3 weeks time and possibly could get to meet some Real Madrid players, that and quite a few other hob-nob parties, but I think that is the top of the list at the moment. Jealousy is a curse guys!
So I'm leaving this little note to say that the internet is down at home, where I usually update things and I'll be back online I suppose within the coming weeks. I have been updating a journal sitting on my computer and will possibly throw some acorns seeds to the ground sooner or later. In the meantime go visit : http://meike.bwired.com.au/ - that's Meike's wuvly wittle website on her adventures over here. You see I've been waiting about 5 months now, and Meike was suppose to buy me a drink. She is a slack ass! :P And you know it girl! See you all soonish! PASS ME THE CHEESE!!!!!!--------------> http://www.paulinehanson.org.au/images/phanson.gif LS at 9/17/2004 10:09:00 PM 0 comments
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Saturday, September 04, 2004
Pasted mouth
Good Morning, or should I bleakly said good afternoon. My bloodshot eyes hurt and I need Berocca as much as Michael Jackson needing a lobotomy.
The quirks about the house I live within, sometimes does really piss me off. Our landlord is a elderly Asian man, Mr Shah (please don't throw rocks at him), and well he is a nice landlord, probably one of the better within London. However the fucka is loud and turns up to our place on a Saturday morning at 9am and proceeds to gang rape our doorbell so someone has to get up and answer it. I'm not, I'm neeked and got the serious case of 'Someone beat my brain with a hammer and I feel as though my mouth is pasted shut' hangover. He has this whining voice like someone is wringing a cat, so horrible. Anyhow he proceeds to talk outside my door for the next two hours about the hot water system, which is causing havoc with the Saffa's upstairs. He's gone now, but if he comes back next Saturday and does the same thing. I will mangle him with his walking frame. -Just had phone call from Mum and Dad at home, Adam was around as well and I managed to blurt out the funny story of last night. Got some tax back $1960 which works out to be $750-800. Happy little chappy. Going towards my Contiki tour with Kirt in January. The picture below is from a few weeks ago, and this is me introducing some of the boys I hang out with in London. The women will have to be on a seperate album and alphabetically co-ordinated From the top left, you have Wilko or Wilks or Dave or Big Dave. Comes from Melbourne and is a good laugh out on the piss. Always friendly, always buying and always looking. Heart of gold and a handshake like steel. Next to Wilko. Alan, my good mate from Sydney who has been over it for quite sometime. Always good to shoot the shit with! Very glad I've got him over here, because he has taken a lot of my shit when I broke up with Lucy. Oh and he helped me get this Blog up and running, because I'm such a numpty at trying to figure stuff like this out. Next to Alan, with the closed eyes and cheesy grin is Bradders or Brad (Melbourne). Codename Maverick. He is the secret weapon we unleash on all women in a 15 metre radius. Unfortunately he is a fire and forget missile, and nine times out of ten I forget about him and he's attached to some girls arm with that cheesy grin and I've still got my third beer in hand with Sam. Derrr me Caveman in top right corner! Bottom left - Al or the Herminator (Melbourne) - Al lives with Sam in Maida Vale and is a DUDE! He also holds the Durry Cup challenge which is a running league with myself, Al and Bradders on the Xbox - Fifa 2004. Did I hear a DAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNN WOMAN! ![]() Anyhow Australia lost and we all got maggotted and found some women to harrass. I have this Wallaby horn I was putting my cigarettes in and smoking out of it. Did hardly impress them, but make them laugh at me. Anyhow off to make some nice greasy breakfast. LS at 9/04/2004 10:29:00 PM 0 comments
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The night in question
I'm sitting here chatting away to my man, Rob. Very intoxicated from a night of laughs with Lindsey, Gina and David.
We managed to crawl our way back home and find the house empty. Amazing how staying with 9 other people and the place still feels completly empty. Well I suppose being that it is a Friday night and 2am in the morning you may get that. Drinks follow, stories divulged and find ourselves listening to the great wonders of the 80's and it's awesome hits. MC Hammer eat your heart out! Finally comes time to hit the hay, and in strolls the housemates. Firstly Carlin and some guy who have been out clubbing. Another story to divulge later anyhow. Secondly Alex and Paul. Now I get up and walk out to see David in the downstairs toilet with the door wide open pissing, and Paul standing watching, I'm sure he was contimplating pissing into sink instead of waiting. Paul then walks towards the backyard with grunts reminiscent of a scene from Planet of the Apes, knocking over a beer on the ground and he starts pissing directly into the background. I'm in stiches laughing about it, grabbing the kodak moment for nostalgia (excuse me until I get a digital camera). Alex proceeds to tell me how much he has spewed and been intoxicated. Being the person I am I calm Alex, hug Paul, listen to Carlin's sexual dealing's and talk to Alex some more. Definately a night fulfilled for the last day of my work at Heathrow Airport and onto Hyde Park Corner on Monday. Only now I have to fill up Saturday and Sunday which I believe could work soon enough in my favour. Paul you are seriously going to feel pain in the morning! To the sack I see, to the jack I pee! LS at 9/04/2004 12:01:00 PM 0 comments
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So I'm testing this little puppy before I run my head into another brick wall or guilt and endless copies of makeshiftness!
Raise thy glass and welcome me to the land of Blog. Angst and young teenagers run riot and talk about Little Jimmy's .. well.. Little Jimmy. Hope all goes well. Dinner time.. I'm late! Diary of the Gods - Jetblack |