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Thursday, November 25, 2004
LS at 11/25/2004 03:48:00 AM 0 comments
![]() ![]() Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Look... why are so many people set in their freaking ways. I'm sick of thinking like an admin person and I see so many ways I can excel at this job and I'm looked upon with criticism. I came up with a brilliant idea this afternoon, which I haven't yet given up on, which will generate profit, candidates and overall morale in the team and I was shot down in flames with criticism from a manager who is so far old school she cannot think outside the square. The use of e-procurement via the internet is something of a gold-mine for people who use it to their advantage, I have said over the last 2 months in regards to using it to our advantage more that tonight I went blue in the face, because I finally got an answer.. .their too buys talking about selling their fucking homes, organising their week and yet they whinge when the MD shouts at them, and when I say something like this it's like sitting at a Roast when your starving and saying..
'No thanks I've already eaten' So I'm going to branch out my arms - as I was keeping this idea for a time when or if they gave me the opportunity to recruit more candidates into jobs, as it would have processed my work life into mainstream 'Holy shit... how'd you manage to do that Luke?' and make people sit up. But I'm fed up with the whinging and bickering about advertising and making me find their jobs that I'm going to cause a mutiny of interested parties amongst the office... I've got one and I know I will have two more... If this works then they can all go smoke it! Look I'm the first to admit I'm a lazy barstard when it comes to getting up in the morning, wild horses couldnt drag me out of bed and I hate mornings so much I tend to grunt and curse in the morning more then actually talking, people get used to it, my father only took 20 years of it until he realised I'm a sad sock in the morning.... mum just decided to let the dog run into my room and jump on my bed to lick my face and pant... Mum it really didn't work, because I always waited for you to bring Lady running in.... I miss my dog :( I digress... but when I look at achieving something within work, I get possessed to the seems that I make things right and I become passionate about what I am doing. Tonight after 2.5 months in the job I finally got passionate... so the fucka's better watch out at work, because if they aren't going to give me anything more than admin to do, I'm going to start recruiting people without their freaking permission! Damn skippy! Tomorrow I'm sitting down with Antony and going to devise a plan of attack to use this system I have come up with and test it out, and see what the fish will bring.... I know it works... actually I'll guarentee a left ball to the struggle and plight... they won't have to advertise again! Numpties... sick of cold calling, sick of finding these consultant jobs for their candidates and me not even getting a free pint at the end of the week, sick of doing admin!!! GIVE ME REAL WORK FOR REAL MONEY PLEASE! In later news... Luke is planning roast for this Sunday! Mum send me how to cook the damn thing please ie. hours etc etc! L8r g8rs! LS at 11/17/2004 05:57:00 AM 0 comments
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Another week ahead to do what I do best. Have had a great weekend, although it being Monday and listening to my insane MD rant about complete dribble ruined it slightly... what is it with managers or directors being total nutters??? They love themselves so much, that they have to continue telling us how successful they are and how they got to where they are.. through hard work, effort and the struggle of being complete assholes to everyone else!
Saw new Bridget Jones movie last night at the Cinema with Marisol (the 10 worder from last weekend)... yes it sucked like a monkey and his banana! However we managed to go to this waffle/pancake place beforehand that served the hugest pancake/chocolate sauce and strawberries I have ever seen... Luke was happy!! Managed to get some photo's from Friday night with Bradders (utter debauched affair in Soho) although can't access them for some reason. No life thoughts lately... although I am wondering where the hell all more socks are re-locating too lately... I'm thinking someone likes to smell my dirty socks and has some kinky fascination about it in the house hold... well they are South African anyhow! Leave you with this I found cleaning out my bigpond emails for all the Yanks who voted in the nutcase in the White House... "The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."- George W. Bush "If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."- George W. Bush "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments inthe future."- Governor George W. Bush "The future will be better tomorrow."- Governor George W. Bush "We're going to have the best educated American people in the world."- Governor George W. Bush "I stand by all the misstatements that I've made."- Governor George W. Bush "We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."- Governor George W. Bush "Public speaking is very easy."- Governor George W. Bush "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur."- Governor George W. Bush "For NASA, space is still a high priority."- Governor George W. Bush "Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."- Governor George W. Bush "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."- Governor George W. Bush "It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."- Governor George W. Bush "A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls." "I was raised in the West. The west of Texas. It's pretty close to California. In more ways than Washington, D.C., is close to California." "Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?" "What I am against is quotas. I am against hard quotas, quotas they basically delineate based upon whatever. However they delineate, quotas, I think, vulcanize society. So I don't know how that fits into what everybody else is saying, their relative positions, but that's my position." "It's clearly a budget. It's got a lot of numbers in it." "One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is 'to be prepared'." "If you're sick and tired of the politics of cynicism and polls and principles, come and join this campaign." "We must all hear the universal call to like your neighbor like you like to be liked yourself." "The most important job is not to be Governor, or First Lady in my case." "The French don't even have a word for entrepreneur" http://www.imgag.com/product/full/ap/3067907/graphic1.swf -- go play the game! Night folks and forks! LS at 11/16/2004 06:31:00 AM 0 comments
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Sunday, November 14, 2004
Update and Last weekend
Hardly ever update on a Saturday afternoon, maybe because I'm too hung over to even contemplating coming near this device of evil.
Spent last night in Soho with Brad and his work colleagues. Tim kept running around with his digital and taking photo's, last I heard he was up to 82 pic's by the end of the night... I was blinded so many times I stumbled and nearly fell over on more than one occasion. On the bus today went passed Twickenham. England and Canada were playing rugby and the streets why lined with English supporters.. was very surreal for some reason, kind of quiet as people were walking like sheep towards the stadium (I had to get off and cross over Twickenham bridge to catch another bus to Hounslow). Quite a few punters selling tickets and I was kind of thinking maybe.. then I said maybe not.. I don't support England nor Canada so what's the bloody use. Speaking to Brad last night and he was going to try and set me up with Chelsea and Fulham tickets for next weekend... hope it's not the Sunday as we both met some gal's last night who managed to tossle their way into coming to the Roast next Sunday... oh and if that's not enough - one's a vegetarian!!! Although one's Swedish too .... Ja Ja Vee Like Za Roast!! (oh and swede's don't really talk like that, German girls do, Swede's english is very well spoken, although sounds too American for me sometimes for certain words) As I said I'm off to see Shez's band tonight in N16 (which is way North London). He said his band goes on at 9:30 and its a 3 quid entry... nothing else planned tonight. Sam was suppose to meet up with us last night.. I just remembered.. he must have got side tracked. Speaking of - here's a pick of the other week with the Foo and I sharing my grouse spag bol and a bottle of Lanson's! ![]() I still haven't told you all about last weekend. Well put it this way I went out on a date .. well I was saying to someone the other day I hate that word.. but it's too hard to describe anything else.. so I say date... I digress. With Lauren last Friday, end up meeting the boys at Hammersmith for some drinks and then meet Lauren in Covent Garden... I end up getting mashed with her in some trendy bar and find myself on the last tube home. I fall asleep wake up at my stop and jump out having the desire to devour a greasy kebab and so I trounce over and get me the Beef Special with Garlic sauce (no packet of mints to save me)... then I get it and then think... Hungry One is down the road I could go a Calfornian Burger!! So I stumble down there and manage to order the burger as well.. I stumble the way home gorging myself on this burger and from there is what I can just remember.. as the housemates fill me in on the rest! I managed to walk into the back door at 2am singing, and then pronouncing that ; "It's Friday night.. you fucka's.. and y'all in bed!" I than am told I went up to Lindsey's room yelling for her, knowing that she is with some guy and saying; "So has he got a big dick?" Lindsey comes out laughing at me, as she see's me with a Kebab and I am flinging lettuce and beef all over the place singing; "I am the angel of death .. with my garlic breath" She then takes me down stairs and she said she asked me why I wasn't home with my date, I managed to slurred the lines "I couldn't get it up if I tried..." Lindsey said she had laughed at me after this and she said .. "I'll take you to bed." Caveman Luke enters - as she said I uttered "Alllright baby..." taking off my trousers and chasing her up to her bedroom... she managed to throw me into bed and take off my shows and jacket... she also told me that I dragged her onto bed and tried dry-humping her leg... she didn't mind as she was laughing too hard at me... she left me after I let her go and went back to her room telling me I was a 'Dirty Barstard' Alex tells me that I didn't get to sleep for another hour as I was laughing and singing to myself.... However Piss Boy also struck the same night I was told next morning too, he managed to piss on the inside of our front door and then all over our toilet.. not inside it of course! I laughed very hard at Paul on Saturday with my devine headache of justice! Alex reminds me that when they met and she first took him back to her place, he was so drunk he managed to get up knock over a wall unit and try to start pissing into her cupboard.... ahh love at first sight I'd say!
LS at 11/14/2004 02:20:00 AM 0 comments
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Friday, November 12, 2004
Quick note
Just got home from a lengthy day at the office.. we had a referral night and seminar last night that went until 9pm. Sam rocked up and took on the role of Alpha male amongst the locums, hilarious to try and stay professional while he is strutting his stuff about the place.
We went out afterwards and grab a few more drinks at the local pub with Erin (one of the admin staff from Boston and I nicknamed Hobbit aka Frodo). Got intoxicated and caught a tube home partly with Sam. He pulls out a new book he has bought on the day. 'You are what you eat' I start reading very loud about amongst a crowded tube if his stools are solid, streaky, skid marked or has food in them and then read the explanation. People are soon smiling and me and him are oblivious to the fact that we are probably disgusting some of them.... ahh who cares :) Friday night : Plan is to go with Sam and one of his German frauleins to Tiger Tiger in Piccadilly - hmm meat market and packed... might give it a miss and catch up with Marisol who I met last weekend. Saturday - Shez has his funk/reggae band playing that night up in North London, so I'm dragging Little Al and whomever along with me. Sunday - was cooking a roast for the boys, but have rescheduled for next Sunday, as we are having roast then going Ten Pin bowling in our stubbies or something to some effect.... Strrrrrrike! Going to go find something to eat in the cupboard and sit back and watch Elephant now (movie which was based or initiated from the Columbine massarce).. I heard is it great so look for my review. nn In the words of Big Al 'Smoke it!' LS at 11/12/2004 06:25:00 AM 0 comments
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Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Sam's Birthday
Yo Yo Yo!!! Check out the do!!! Tuesday and I'm ready for the weekend already! Quick update (which has taken me a hour to do for you all). Pic's from Sam's Birthday 2 weekends ago ... I think I told you all about it anyhow ;)
![]() Here I sitting broken hearted... tried to shit .. but only farted !!!!! ![]() Here I standing take my chance... tried to fart .... but shit my pants !!!!! LS at 11/10/2004 07:07:00 AM 0 comments
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Monday, November 08, 2004
Blog hates me so!
This blog is having an issue with me lately. Twice I have written a speil in the last week and it has not placed it and 100 other times I can hardly get on here.
Was up to a very debauched weekend - which I hope I can find the patience to write it up all over again... Just put it this way Friday night I got home so drunk that I can't remember my ordeal.. my housemates say I was running around with my pants around my ankles... I'll hopefully let you all know about it later.. I'm sure you would be interested in such a story - even though I can't remember it.. and I think they are lying to me.. well maybe bending some truth + also Piss Boy strikes again in the household, Luke's amazing 10 word pick up on Saturday night and a whole bunch of stupid 'Get a grip on life' stories that will make you wish you weren't reading this! In the meantime - go get some inspirational material from: http://budlight.whipnet.com/ Oh and I suppose I can leave you with this which I wrote the other day.. hope you're all well. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 11:33pm 4th November 2004 Inspiration causes people to act, no matter how meaningless it may mean to someone else, and what you may realize in an instant could make you decide on an action, which will eventually make YOU happier. We hold out possessions tight against our chest and doubt the reasoning behind other peoples actions, yet when we find ourselves thinking of an inspired thought, like a 100 watt light bulb doing a disco above your head, you have the overwhelming sense to carry it out and hopefully see it to the end. I know Carlin listens to those audio tapes quite frequently and it makes me laugh when she has them on and walking around the house... some people like myself just call that brainwashing, but I know she really wants to make it big and set her sights higher than most people to achieve. I'm just happy when I make it through the week without making an ass of myself somewhere (still yet to accomplish said feat). I’ve just watched Touching the Void (http://www.touchingthevoid.co.uk/) on television and I was absolutely amazed by this Joe Simpson's feat, to continue when most people would just roll over and die. Is that why people receive those awards I rarely received? I was always jealous of the striker in my football team, everybody loved the center forward scoring those goals, however when I went into a mean tackle nearly breaking someone's leg and hurting myself in the process to prevent a goal it was something that was hardly clapped at... screw David Beckham and Harry Kewell... hail to the Sol Campbell's of this world. We can take this analogy and say to ourselves, it is better to defend your friends and family against the odds and put yourself in the face of danger, distraught, anguish and criticism to feel you are doing the right thing. Coming out of my cage and I’m doing just fine ------ Sam came around on Tuesday night and I cooked a spag bol and we both chatted about things within our lives at the moment, and what we both feel are important to us. We spoke a little on relationships – something I have not done for a while lately, because I’m really feeling good about myself with things lately and enjoying life without the awkwardness of being within a monogamous relationship with someone who just doesn't understand, and this time I’m not going to go try looking hard for it. I digress from the point at hand... Sam and I chatted about the frequency of how things over in London get people depressed and how we both seem to be having a better time then most people. Sure we all whine about the weather and tube system, if you have experienced it once you would no doubt be crying bloody murder to people about it for the rest of your natural born. You taught me about my soul, you shared with me your magic ------ The experience of all our lives are forecasted with the doom of others sometimes, overcoming this realization and becoming inspired to show who you are and not who people want you to be is something that we all must try and achieve. I for instance have changed, for the better and forever, for just being here and experiencing this. I have nothing to regret anymore and I am happy for the first time in a decade about where my life should be. The job I have now isn’t inspiring to continue my career, but you know what, this does not matter, I am a person who has decided to experience a little of life everywhere. I chatted to Steph on Tuesday night about this and she was amazed about the amount of jobs and experiences I have done.. plus she didn’t believe I was 27… so I must still look a little younger in the chubby’s. I will indulge you with the start of my work experience in a quick detail; KFC cook (the love of chicken is not enough for me), Coles check-out chick (Clean up on aisle two and we have a code 5 on aisle six), Concreter (yes I was fit, tanned and had a body like a greek god – words to the effect of meeting Nicola), Two years Business Management diploma while make ends meet by unpacking trucks at a parcel company and also scooting around on a trolley life to make orders for a supermarket chain (yes my life was degrading into Plumbers Crack alley), so I joined the Army for 2 years and blew things up, rode around on dinghy's in Sydney Harbour, shot at Kangaroos in a live fire exercise and blew old tanks up with all kinds of rockets and things that would make you piss yourself wiht fright, then came along BORAL and I was there for 4 years directing truck drivers and making a fool of myself to management (still yet to change), picked up some jobs after that and then came here.. and that's a different story – Cold Calling Birmingham, working in Heathrow Airport, working as a support worker for Adults with LD and now a recruitment coordinator... so a lot in 8 years of life I suppose and I’m going to keep chugging along! Anyways I will say to you for a Christmas present for anyone (appeals to the male species) go get Touching the Void. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Making the most out of life one pint at a time! LS at 11/08/2004 12:13:00 PM 0 comments
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Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Sweaty love!
What is it with the heating in this place... just rocked up and walked into a sauna of a bedroom. I think someone is playing with the thermostat!
Been out drinking with Steph and Alan. Good night out. Steph is a crazy english lass with a good heart. Had drinks at a blood bath of a pub and then Alan arrived, went to a fine Italian restaurant and I had a meal fit for a bulinic girl while the other 2 ate heartily. Then eneded up in a wine bar where we drank the most beautiful Cab-Sav I have tasted - from Barossa Valley... no place like home.. no place like home.. click click. Ended up visiting a kebab shop on the way home, and have just eaten the 2 most disgusting fried chicken pieces known to mankind... expect hospital situation within 12 hours of digestion! Saturday night with Sam was great, celebrated his birthday with Mieke and had a good laugh, I managed to get my hair into a mohawk and turned up on the night (Haloween) looking like Val Kilmer on acid. Pictures are in a camera sitting across from me at the moment, but I can't upload because I don't have a connection piece.. sending sms to Sam as we speak as he is coming around tomorrow night for dinner. ALAN YOU FORGOT TO BRING ME CAMERA TONIGHT.. and I just rememebered. So Saturday, here I was surrounded by beautiful women all night and I end up taking home one of Sam's flings to baby sit. Trudy?! is a Canadian which was at the party, although Sam managed to hook onto another girl (whom I must say I was keen on first) and take home. So I was left at the end of the night organising mini-cabs for Mieke's crew and there I stand alone and Trudy comes up to me.. ' I don't want to take a mini-cab home alone.' This I don't blame her, they are nasty barstards at the best of times! So I say 'Come home with me then.' 4am Sunday morning my neck hurts from the pain on the couch and I curse Sam as I lay there thinking of some stranger in my bed! All a good night though (managed to meet a nice Belgium girl who said she would show me a fun time in Brussels... YEH RIGHT!) as it was Sam's birthday and although I looked weird running around with a mohawk, I managed to draw enough attention to myself to make people happy. Work today --- lets not go there. Even though I thought daylight savings would allow me the effort of enjoying the hour long sleep longer. I managed to forget about the Monday morning training regime that has been recently implemented! Alas all well, put in solid effort today to make up for it though... and a solid effort in drinking to forget about it. Sasha said to me today 'Don't worry Luke, you will forget about it in 5 years time.' I looked at her and said 'That makes me feel much better thanks.' Rest of the week is combined with nothing and nothing please feel free to implement a policy of non-abuse and living large! Diary of the Gods - Jetblack |