

I have of late, but wherefore I know not, lost all my mirth and indeed it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame the earth seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy the air, look you, this mighty o'rehanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire; why, it appeareth nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of work is a man, how noble in reason, how infinite in faculties, how like an angel in apprehension, how like a God! The beauty of the world, paragon of animals; and yet to me, what is this quintessence of dusk. Man delights not me, no, nor women neither, nor women neither.

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Thursday, August 25, 2005

Random Archiving

If you look at your new Nokia/Siemens/Orange/Bluetooth mobile phone with its catchy name which sounds like it should be on a watered down racetrack rather in your lint-free pocket, a minute camera that you sparsely use now but remember a time where you actually remember taking so many pictures with it, that your eyes bled reviewing them and the annoying ring tones which you constant aggravate people with while you change it on the tube as they try to 'commute'. Now flip over to the address book of that incredible Dick Tracey gadget and what do you find?

Well I know what I'll find from my ancient beast, a list of random numbers including hotels (another story over a bottle of red wine), old work numbers which you have yet to delete, my bank account number under the code work 'Payroll', women I once dated and possibly had horribly bizarre instances, information lines which can tell me whatever I need to know such as the name of the dog from Fragglerock, as well as bizarre digits which once possibly had some purpose in your life and one number marked 'Home' which has more importance than the rest. Now consider it is not the place you have been living the last eight months of your ill-equipped life in amongst the throng of Antipodean's, European's, South American's and the odd English lad who have passed through your cave like a circus of gypsy's while you are still wondering why you aren't the ringleader yet. 'Home' is where I grew up, it reminds me of the safe, warmth and secure confines it brings when I look at that grey now-foreign overseas number, it's family but it's so far away.

But then you have the names. Lots of names, so many names that you have to flip through them and do the who's who. Someone you have known for a few years to someone you met 4 months ago at a fateful smoke-filled venue and you have been meaning to call them... next week. I call them acquaintances or randoms, people who have existed in my life for some brief stint and then remain a memory until I find the courage and reasoning to actually delete them from my existence as that message which pops up 'Erase? Joe Smith - Yes or No' always makes me sympathetic to Joe's cause. Do I make the decision to contact Joe now through some peculiar SMS that may make them think they still have an acquaintance? Who are these people? How did they manage to infest my phone and then become forgotten? How many address books am I forgotten in? Who will be my next random? But I think the biggest question on your mind right now is what really was the name of that damn dog from Fragglerock?

LS at 8/25/2005 07:28:00 PM

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Your mission if you choose to accept...
Well you'll probably be getting more input onto the Blog with less of the random pattern I have been using at the moment to update.. the reasoning - I had a drinks and dinner with Gina on Monday night, she just got back from a couple weeks in New York, excited that she just got a promotion at work and looking at possibility of moving elsewhere away from the little studio apartment she has at the moment. Gina and I usually discuss quite random details, firstly the chit-chat of life in general, how's this and how's that. Then we go onto work. Then we go into some drunken stupor by this time where we talk absolute shite to each other most of the time.

She is really wanting to build up her writing abilities as I know she has written some editorial food critic type stuff in the local antipodean newspaper, but wants to see what I think of more of her creative ability and give her some constructive criticism.

So I suggested that we both give each other a weekly subject matter and do our best. I'll be putting up both our results.

My subject matter this week is:
An incident that describes/portrays a sense of loneliness in London.

Gina's subject matter this week is:
Take a personally humorous moment within the last week (or before deadline) and discuss why and how you find the subject matter funny.

So I suppose … stay tuned to round one!

  • Jo heading to South Africa for a few weeks
  • Damo is heading back to Australia this weekend
  • Laura (Brad's housemate) left to Australia on Monday
  • Paula left for Australia on Tuesday
  • Sam is detoxing and doing the whole health stint, I'm finding it quite amusing
  • Liz (from work) heading back home to Australia on the weekend - will need to catch up with her when I get back
  • Lindsey back from India with David, was suppose to meet up last night for dinner but work has been driving me into the ground, catch up with her soon.. she says she has a present for me.
  • DeeDee in Enos, I accidentally rang him on Friday to see what he was up to on the weekend, bastard told me he was going with drinks with friends.... on the lovely island of Enos!
  • Horse arranged tix to Oktoberfest end of September with Ben and myself.
  • Wilk's still currently in South Africa and getting flak from the Saffa's after losing last weekends rugga! Sigh....

LS at 8/24/2005 08:32:00 PM

Monday, August 22, 2005

Sceptic or Romantic?
Love is risky yes. But you can't have what you want without love I'm afraid, you are speaking of things that only Love would imply and by saying no you are only running away from love and it will bring you sadness. You must take hold of that word and think it is only a word that speaks the obvious truth, but it is something bigger and much brighter, but if you start thinking what the result of it will be and that the destiny of your actions will lead, it will eventually lead that way. So that is why the famous saying is 'Love is blind'. You must treat it as you were blind every time you are involved, you learn from past mistakes and you grow stronger with each opportunity, denying this basic right to yourself just will make you one mean spirited person in the future. I am not a big user of the word 'love' I feel that it is such a small word with such an infinite description that each time I use it, that it loses some of its meaning, so I use it yes, but when and only when it is necessary... ie. hanging up the phone and saying .. 'I love you' every time, makes it inevitably meaningless, thus giving way to little pet names to endear each other and mumbo jumbo which just makes you want to bang your head against the wall repeatably (aye an extreme scenario).

None the less, you will find someone that will make you happy everyone does, however you will never find someone that will make you happy in everything throughout life. Do you want to have yourself a yes man as a boyfriend or someone that actually challenges your way of thinking? Do you want to sleep on the left or right side of the bed throughout your life or actually don't really care on where you sleep as long as you are with him/her? Do you become jealous? Do you argue about the dishes or food or money? Do you take tomorrow as it comes? Do you believe in trust? Does it really all matter?

Each and every relationship is different and that is the beauty about them, finding yourself falling in love with the person is again different, recreating that first kiss with them, never works either, but it doesn't stop you from trying does it.

LS at 8/22/2005 09:00:00 PM

You know you've been in London too long when
1. You say "the City" and expect everyone to know which one.
2. You have never been to The Tower or Madame Tussauds but love Brighton
3. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get fromShepherds Bush to Elephant & Castle at 3:30 on the Friday before along weekend, but can't find Dorset on a map.
4. Hookers and the homeless are invisible.
5. You step over people who collapse on the Tube.
6. You believe that being able to swear at people intheir own language makes you multilingual.
7. You've considered stabbing someone.
8. Your door has more than three locks.
9. You consider eye contact an act of overt aggression.
10. You call an 8' x 10' plot of patchy grass a garden.
11. You consider Essex the "countryside".
12. You think Hyde Park is "nature".
13. You're paying £1,200 a month for a studio thesize of a walk-in wardrobe and you think it's a "bargain".
14. Shopping in suburban supermarkets and shoppingmalls gives you a severe attack of agoraphobia.
15. You pay more each month to park your car thanmost people in the UK pay in rent.
16. You pay £3 without blinking for a beer that cost the bar 28p.
17. You actually take fashion seriously.
18. You have 27 different take-away menus next to your telephone.
19. The UK west of Heathrow is still theoretical to you.
20. You're suspicious of strangers who are actually nice to you.
21. Your idea of personal space is no one actually physically standing on you.
22. £50 worth of groceries fit in one plastic bag.
23. You have a minimum of five "worst cab ride ever" stories.
24. You don't hear sirens anymore.
25. You've mentally blocked out all thoughts of the city's air/waterquality and what it's doing to your insides.
26. You live in a building with a larger population than most towns.
27. Your cleaner is Portugese, your grocer isSomali, your butcheris halal,your deli man is Israeli, your landlord is Italian, yourlaundry guy is Philippino, your bartender is Australian, your favouritediner owner is Greek, the watch seller on your corner isSenegalese, yourlast cabbie was African, your newsagent is Indian and your local Englishchippie owner is Turkish.
28. You wouldn't want to live anywhere else until you get married.
29. You roll your eyes and say 'tsk' at the news that someone has thrown himself under a tube train.
30. Your day is ruined if you don't get a copy of Metro on the wayto work.
31.You walk into somebody's path rather than continue walking straight
32.You're still brushing twice daily but you've had your first case of Gingivitis
33.You now think "actually, this steak isn't too bad"
34.You buy bottled water
35.You haven't had a quality dump on the sh*tter for bloody ages
36.You throw 1 and 2 pence coins on the ground
37.You drink Massimo latte's as a matter of course
38.You find the English accent to be a pleasant break from the ordinary...
39.You no longer pick black sh*t out of your nose because your bodies just as polluted on the inside...
40.You sigh with everyone else as you queue to get into the queue which leads to the queue to the toilets

LS at 8/22/2005 08:37:00 PM

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Well I was going to go to the Ealing Jazz Festival, Liv's birthday party on Saturday and to out for dinner and drinks on Sunday. However managed to cook Jo a meal on Friday and sloth around at her house until Monday morning where I proceeded to take the next two days off work due to the a conformed conscription of needed abscense... ie. the infamous sickie.

During this time I have recuperated to the point of losing my bags under my eyes and have the fresh face a baby! Alas work this week will be filled with smiles and cheered followed by a weekend of getting Luke completely trashed he forgets his own name, signs up for the Jihad Liberation Front and fails detonation on an unused train service in Nebraska....

Tube's are still all chaotic here in London, however as you would get from the government we have the 'reds under the bed' histeria going on, a lot of muslims are getting jacked up and searched, one guy at work has papers now to show police he doesn't need to be searched because he has already been searched (5 other seperate occasions). I think he didn't see the funny when I said 'Maybe you should shave?!' But hey...if you cant smile you could just......

Hope you all are well with your cod-pieces!

LS at 8/03/2005 09:25:00 AM

Diary of the Gods - Jetblack