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Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Look... why are so many people set in their freaking ways. I'm sick of thinking like an admin person and I see so many ways I can excel at this job and I'm looked upon with criticism. I came up with a brilliant idea this afternoon, which I haven't yet given up on, which will generate profit, candidates and overall morale in the team and I was shot down in flames with criticism from a manager who is so far old school she cannot think outside the square. The use of e-procurement via the internet is something of a gold-mine for people who use it to their advantage, I have said over the last 2 months in regards to using it to our advantage more that tonight I went blue in the face, because I finally got an answer.. .their too buys talking about selling their fucking homes, organising their week and yet they whinge when the MD shouts at them, and when I say something like this it's like sitting at a Roast when your starving and saying..
'No thanks I've already eaten' So I'm going to branch out my arms - as I was keeping this idea for a time when or if they gave me the opportunity to recruit more candidates into jobs, as it would have processed my work life into mainstream 'Holy shit... how'd you manage to do that Luke?' and make people sit up. But I'm fed up with the whinging and bickering about advertising and making me find their jobs that I'm going to cause a mutiny of interested parties amongst the office... I've got one and I know I will have two more... If this works then they can all go smoke it! Look I'm the first to admit I'm a lazy barstard when it comes to getting up in the morning, wild horses couldnt drag me out of bed and I hate mornings so much I tend to grunt and curse in the morning more then actually talking, people get used to it, my father only took 20 years of it until he realised I'm a sad sock in the morning.... mum just decided to let the dog run into my room and jump on my bed to lick my face and pant... Mum it really didn't work, because I always waited for you to bring Lady running in.... I miss my dog :( I digress... but when I look at achieving something within work, I get possessed to the seems that I make things right and I become passionate about what I am doing. Tonight after 2.5 months in the job I finally got passionate... so the fucka's better watch out at work, because if they aren't going to give me anything more than admin to do, I'm going to start recruiting people without their freaking permission! Damn skippy! Tomorrow I'm sitting down with Antony and going to devise a plan of attack to use this system I have come up with and test it out, and see what the fish will bring.... I know it works... actually I'll guarentee a left ball to the struggle and plight... they won't have to advertise again! Numpties... sick of cold calling, sick of finding these consultant jobs for their candidates and me not even getting a free pint at the end of the week, sick of doing admin!!! GIVE ME REAL WORK FOR REAL MONEY PLEASE! In later news... Luke is planning roast for this Sunday! Mum send me how to cook the damn thing please ie. hours etc etc! L8r g8rs! Diary of the Gods - Jetblack |