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Friday, October 20, 2006
Unlawful = Illegal doesn't it?
It scares me when the world's superpower makes laws that most citizens do not know nor understand too much about. On October 17th, Junior, signed the Military Commissions Act 2006 - "to continue to question terrorists and save lives..." - was what he muttered in regards to new sanctions allowed for the CIA / US Military. Sure if you read it you might get a little confused by its mixed mumbo jumbo, however there is quite a measurement to the definition of who is an 'unlawful enemy combatant' and who isn't, thus giving the power of authority to the military to decide. This new law contradicts the age old Geneva Conventions, with the decision of the President in regards to the permanent detention and torture of detainee's. So lets say you get picked up by the U.S military as an unlawful combatant, there is no justification for you, hopefully as an innocent bystander, to say that you are not. So you could be detained, not be legally represented by a civil lawyer due to the military nature of the law and find yourself possibly three years down the track still not knowing what the hell happened. Have a read Hamdi v Rumsfeld . Why you ask, my concern about all this. The representation the USA has with (or over) its allies is a somewhat a big brother role. I would not be surprised the guinea pigs of some of the allies, and unfortunately I will say even Australia, could follow with a similar law. It is not bringing things into order, it is creating a central government controlled atmosphere. But you're going to shrug your shoulders anyhow, unless of course you could be that one in a thousand people who this law may effect by. Did the act of terrorism in western soils bring down the meaning of democracy and freedom? Further reading material; Comparison on Iraq and Vietnam Re-assessment of Baghdad security Appeal Lost Now in this wake of certain US and UK soldiers I have met and know heading to or from Iraq it just makes me wonder where will this all end? A withdrawal is likely yes, but it's still all about infrastructure for the US and securing oil deposits. Reminds me of a game that I play. With all the stupidity and one sided argument and struggle on who wants to or can lead, on top of who will follow you. You hope to come out with a small victory at the end of the day. But unfortunately I feel like I play on the side of the Iraqi's in this game, because the innocent ones are the forgotten ones and they then become the victims. It isn't winning heart's and mind's anymore to the US government, it's about killing martyrs and drilling mines. Diary of the Gods - Jetblack |